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We truly appreciate your business.

About Us

We’re regular folks, living regular lives, working to make the world a better place.

We are David and Tessie Otte, a regular hard working, middle class husband and wife that have decided to go into business together. Actually, Otte Foods is our second business and the one we are most passionate about and we love working together. We have four children, three boys and a girl.

We live in a small town in Colorado near Boulder and we love it here. We seriously could not ask for a more beautiful place to raise our family.

Our Journey

What you put into your body really makes a difference in how you feel.

We both have had many struggles in our life, with some of them physical, that we just chalked up to being environmental or hereditary. David has battled with high blood pressure, acid reflux, fatigue, and problems sleeping. Tessie has suffered from congestion, rheumatoid arthritis, stomach pain and eczema. Tessie even had celiac testing done because a couple family members have celiac, but she has tested negative.

We tried to go Gluten Free a couple times and it didn’t seem to alleviate our symptoms, so we gave up on it. Then one day, Tessie was visiting her cousin in WA, and she had suggested we do the Whole 30 (strict Paleo diet) but we thought that was way too extreme.

Fast forward 3 years later, almost exactly to the day, Tessie suggested to do the Whole 30 to see if it would help with Tessie’s Rheumatoid Arthritis pain (which she developed in 2013). David was on board because he has always had a passion for fitness and nutrition. The whole 30 was the best thing that has ever happened to us which is why we started eating Grain Free and only Natural Sugars.

Our Mission

We started Otte Foods with the goal of helping others eat healthier

After changing our diet, we feel so much better. We have really been able to pin point what grains really make us feel yucky. David doesn’t do well with regular flours and Tessie doesn’t do well with corn or corn products.

Don’t get me wrong, we definitely have our cheat days! But after completing 3 Whole 30’s and eating Grain Free most of the time, David is no longer on blood pressure and acid reflux medicine and feels better overall with no fatigue. Tessie is not on medication for her rheumatoid arthritis and does not have stomach pain. We both have more energy, look and feel great and sleep better.

We decided to start this online store because we have a hard time finding some of the products we use at local stores for reasonable prices and we wanted to work at something we are passionate about. We enjoy shopping from our home and figured other people do too, so why not start a business doing something we have a desire for, eating Grain Free (with only Natural Sugars) and shopping!


What is Bringing Natural Back?

Less fillers. Fewer chemicals.

More goodness from nature.

Great experiences :-)

Less greed.

More goodness to others.

Awesome tastes.

More of doing the right thing.

More of a BUSINESS doing the right thing!!

Less concentration of pay at the top.

More taking care of ALL employees.

Natural is good.

Otte Foods is “Bringing Natural Back!!”