Did you know that grains have been designed and modified over the millennia as a cheap food source for the masses? Whole Grains have been falsely promoted by big corporations and governments as being good for your health! Grains are actually the cause of most of our health issues, NOT the solution. A diet without grains can bring healing to many disorders that plague us.
So bad for you, but tastes so good. It’s a “Food Steroid”. All sorts of foods are loaded with sugar to get you addicted and make you eat until you can’t fit into your jeans. Sugar is in everything these days for only one reason, to make you eat more of that food. No health benefits, just designed to get you hooked on that food like a drug. Then you get your sugar rush before you crash. No long term energy benefit at all. Worthless!
You have always been told that eating any fat makes you fat, right? Well, that is completely wrong. There’s GOOD fats and bad fats. You can retrain your body to burn fat instead of carbs for better energy and health. Eat LOTS of good fats to keep healthy!!
Artificial and Natural Flavorings are almost the same thing. CHEMICALS! Think the “Natural” blueberry flavor in your blueberry treat is real ground up blueberries? Nope! Natural Flavorings are fake just like Artificial Flavorings. Surprised? Just another way that big food companies fool you on what you are eating.